sound purity in musical research
sound purity in musical research
€ 279,00
Per la prima volta VELUT LUNA offre questo servizio rendendo disponibile i preziosi master copy 1:1 dalla bobina master analogica originale di una larga parte del catalogo VELUT LUNA, le migliori registrazioni realizzate da Marco Lincetto per Velut Luna. La duplicazione è effettuata su nastro LPR90 1/4"- 265mm Plastic Reel Trident (BOBINA IN PLASTICA), a 15 IPS con EQ IEC, utilizzando un RTR STUDER A810 come player e un RTR STUDER A816 come recorder. La bobina è confezionata in una elegante scatola di cartone rigida, con grafica realizzata singolarmente a mano. La bobina arriva avvolta con il principio di TAIL END. Questa è un'oppurtunità unica, infatti potrai scegliere il titolo che desideri dal catologo che vedi qui sotto: dovrai inserire il titolo e il codice (CVLD...) nel box 'Scrivi un messaggio al venditore' che troverai alla fine della procedura di acquisto, prima del pagamento. La proposta commerciale relativa a questo progetto è intesa come una PRESTAZIONE DI SERVIZIO ad personam e su richiesta: ovvero NON si tratta della vendita di un oggetto immediatamente disponibile e di pronta vendita, ma di BOBINE originali prodotte su richiesta da parte dei nostri clienti (richiesta formulato con il semplice ordine online del servizio esclusivamente tramite questo sito); il prezzo richiesto NON è relativo all'oggetto, ma alla stessa e precisa prestazione di servizio necessaria alla preparazione. Anche per questo motivo, dal momento dell'acquisto/ordine, la bobina verrà spedita non prima di 7/10 giorni, proprio per darci il tempo di realizzarle e in caso di overbooking i tempi di consegna potrebbero anche allungarsi. La spedizione viene effettuata tramite corriere espresso, all'interno di una confezione particolarmente curata ed è assicurata contro ogni inconveniente per l'intero valore del prodotto. In funzione della lunghezza/durata del nastro, la durata potrebbe variare rispetto al supporto in CD, pertanto potrebbero essere escluse alcune tracce rispetto al master originale. Caratteristiche tecniche del nastro: Formats: 1/4" Tape Width: inch 0,25 mm 6,3 Tape Length: ft 3608 m 1100 Reel Diameter: inch 10,5 mm 250 CATALOGO DISPONIBILE: CVLD00100 LIDJIENKO SMILE CVLD01200 IMPROVVISAMENTE UN GIORNO TRA I MESI CVLD02600 DIALOGHI CVLD03000 VIVO SONHANDO CVLD03100 GUARDA AVANTI CVLD03400 PLANETARIUM CVLD03500 SERENGETI CVLD03600 RADIO DAYS CVLD04700 SING WITHOUT WORDS CVLD07600 INSTANTS, LIVE AT TEATRO OLIMPICO CVLD 243 THE IRVING BERLIN SONGBOOK CVLD 244 LOOKING FOR LOVE CVLD07700 PANGEA CVLD08200 BIX CVLD08300 GEORGE GERSHWIN CVLD106 LUZ - SACD CVLD08600 GOLD FINGERS CVLD07300 ALTRE SPEZIE CVLD08800 ELLE CVLD01100 FRAGMENTA CVLD027 HD THE EIGHT SEASONS CVLD02900 OPERE SCELTE CVLD03700 CLARINAMENTE CVLD04200 IMAGENES DE TANGO CVLD04300 PIETRE CVLD05000 SCHUBERT, BEETHOVEN CVLD05200 IN CROCE CVLD05700 UNUS INTER PARES CVLD06200 ENCORE! CVLD06400 NOTTE DI NATALE CVLD 275 ITALIAN MUSIC FOR GUITAR AND PIANO CVLD08000 F. BUSONI - 24 PRELUDI OP. 37 CVLD09000 W.A. MOZART, B. BRITTEN - I SOLISTI DELL'OLIMPICO CVLD104 PIZZICHI E SOSPIRI CVLD02800 STELLE CVLD03200 METABOLE' CVLD04400 ONDE MEDITERRANEE CVLD04600 JUST HERE, RIGHT THERE CVLD07000 NO MAN'S LAND CVLD01400 THAT'S SOUND: MUSIC FROM SCREEN AND STAGE CVLD06100 'E TERETUPPETE CVLD107 SE POTESSI AVERE... CVLD06000 CARO NANNI CVLD093 GIUSEPPE MARTUCCI - THE COMPLETE WORKS FOR CELLO AND PIANO CVLD092 FRANZ LISZT GRANDES ETUDES POUR LE PIANO CVLD117 EPISOD CVLD118 BLUE CVLD119 CIAO FRED ! CVLD122 AMERICANIZADA CVLD128 FALLING IN LOVE CVLD123 WINGS - SONGS OF THE JEWISH HEART CVLD129 CROSSING CVLD135 NITE IN THE CITY CVLD136 JOURNEY OF HOPE CVLD139 NUVOLE DI CARTA CVLD132 MAKING WHOPEE CVLD153 X CVLD149 VOCI DI LUNA WHITE GOLD EDITION CVLD156 CHOPIN CVLD165 CATFISH FOR BREAKFAST CVLD158 ELLAURA - SACD CVLD160 MYSTERE PIANO CVLD159 TUTTE LE DIREZIONI CVLD164 BLUE SIMPHONY CVLD163 Raindrops CVLD162 Il Cantante al Microfono CVLD167 FLOWERS V L H D HIGH QUALITY EDITION CVLD169 PIETRO ANTONIO LOCATELLI CONCERTI GROSSI OP.1 VOL. 1 CVLD207 LOVE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING CVLD183 SE IL MARE ...UN OCEANO DI CARTE CVLD187 LENTOGODENDO CVLD178 PETITES SUITES CVLD188 P. A. LOCATELLI CONCERTI GROSSI OP.1 VOL. 2 CVLD185 LINFA CVLD180 ILLEGAL LOVE CVLD181 ANNO DOMINI 2012 CVLD210 SKETCHES OF MEMORIES THE BEST SONGS OF OUR LIFE CVLD202 BIG BAND BOND CVLD194 YASMINA CVLD205 I SOGNI DI GIANO' CONCERTO CVLD201 CARTA BIANCA CVLD192 GRANDO XE AMOR CVLD206 CHORAL FIREWORKS CVLD 239 Sospiri nel tardo Romanticismo CVLD 241 Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto, Op. 35, Méditation, Op. 42 CVLD209 NUBILARIA CVLD208 JOSEPH BODIN DE BOISMORTIER SONATE PER FAGOTTO E CONTINUO OP. 50 & PIECES DE CLAVECIN CVLD213 FIVE PORTRAITS CVLD212 VIBRAZIONI CONSONANTI CVLD214 ADAMO... LET'S SWING! CVLD215 AMOR Y PASION CVLD218 CHRISTMAS CVLD219 STABAT MATER CVLD220 DO IT! - LIVE CVLD222 J. S. BACH SONATAS BWV 1027-1028-1029 CVLD223 COLORS CVLD228 KYRA CVLD224 DE - FORMA SONATA LISZT BERG CHOPIN CVLD227 AYRES & FANTASIAS CVLD232 MOZART PIANO SONATAS CVLD231 MORS & VITA CVLD230 PHOTOGRAPHS & MEMORIES TRIBUTE TO JIM CROCE CVLD234 ARIETTE CVLD233 IMPROMPTUS CVLD229 TANGO EN VIVO CVLD235 THE CINEMA SHOW! CVLD 240 SOMEONE LIKES IT ZOMBIE ! CVLD 238 MIGAJAS CVLD 242 FLUTE, CELLO & PIANO TRIOS CVLD 237 WATER CVLD 225 KING FOR A NIGHT CVLD 246 GASLINI SINFONICO 4 CVLD 249 PAY INTENTION CVLD 250 CELLO SOLO CVLD 248 FLUTE FOR DINNER - Chamber Music for Flute CVLD 252 C'ERA UNA VOLTA IN ROMAGNA CVLD 253 INFINITY CVLD 245 Chopin & Schumann CVLD 260 SETTE PASSI VERSO IL CIELO CVLD 263 FLYING ATTITUDE CVLD 264 REC LIVE ! CVLD 268 LUSH MUSIC CVLD 270 STOP AT THE DEVIL'S CROSSROAD CVLD 269 L'UOMO CHE CAMMINA CVLD266 COPLAS DE LA LUNA CVLD267 E TERETUPPETE ... N'ATA VOTA ! CVLD 273 LOS IMPOSSIBLES CVLD 274 ALBERTO BOISCHIO PLAYS BEETHOVEN CVLD 265 TWO COUNTRIES ONE HEART CVLD 271 MASSIMO GON PLAYS CHOPIN CVLD 278 IN VOLO CVLD 277 RAIDERS OF THE LOST MUSIC CVLD 284 WHEN YOUR DRUMMER HAS GONE CVLD 285 FIL ROUGE CVLD 280 SHAPE CVLD 281 Almerigo Girotto - Liriche da camera per voce e pianoforte CVLD 282 SORTILEGES CVLD 279 ROOTS CVLD 286 NINNI ARINI CANTA LUIGI TENCO CVLD 289 WOOD 3 CVLD 287 ITALIANA ! CVLD 288 RIFLESSI IN CONTRASTO CVLD291 GLI INVISIBILI CVLD 315 BEETHOVEN IN TRIO CVLD292 W.A. MOZART - WIND CONCERTS CVLD294 JAZZ NATURE CVLD 296 MUSICAL PORTRAITS CVLD 299 TERRA MATER CVLD 293 FLUTE CONCERTOS CVLD 298 LANDSCAPES - Classic Piano Solo CVLD 297 PETITE MESSE SOLENNELLE - Original Version for 12 Soloists CVLD 300 HOT WIRE Live Recording CVLD 295 MINUTES OF GOLD CVLD 301 ORIGINAL COMPOSITIONS FOR PIANO CVLD 304 GUSTAV MAHLER - Symphony N. 1 in D Major, Titan CVLD 307 AT TIME IT IS CVLD 303 CLOSE-LAMB-WHITE-WALLS CVLD 306 AUDIOPHILE MUSICAL JOURNEY CVLD 309 J.S. BACH CVLD 310 PIAZZOLLA - SOLO PIANO CVLD 312 VOCI DI LUNA 2 CVLD 316 ILLEGAL LOVE 2 CVLD 318 HEART/STRINGS CVLD 317 ITALO BAIANA CVLD 319 ORGAN WARS CVLD 320 MINGUS WORLD CVLD 321 SE FOSSI UNA RONDINELLA CVLD 323 QUATTRO CVLD 322 BACH - ALTERNATIVE HARPSICHORD CONCERTOS CVLD 325 THE OTHER GIRL CVLD 324 CATCH ME CVLD 330 WITHIN & WITHOUT - Homage to Rakhmaninov CVLD 329 ODYSSEIA CVLD 327 CELLO SONATAS CVLD 328 JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH CVLD 332 TO RUSSIA WITH LOVE CVLD 331 KD CVLD 276 KHOREIA CVLD336 KURT! CVLD333 Johann Sebastian Bach - Cello Suites For Harpsichord CVLD335 JUST FOR YOU! CVLD 337 The Planets CVLD338 Mano Sucias, Alejandro S. Martinez and The Latin Jazz Big Band CVLD344 Miroirs de la musique CVLD343 Furious Dance (crossover orchestra) CVLD342 PARMA - Hidden and Imaginary Landscapes CVLD349 LATIN JAZZ BAND - 2022 Edition CVLD350 Carlo Graziani-Walter, "AL MONDO MUSICALE" CVLD347 DREAMLAND CVLD339 Liszt Piano Transcriptions, Eliana Grasso CVLD345 Stick To Duke CVLD351 Retrato Brasileiro CVLD346 ViPerArp Trio CVLD353 Sonriendo te vas CVLD354 W2TF CVLD360 LIVING BLUES - THE ITALIAN RECORDINGS CVLD359 AMBRA CVLD362 PROJECT ONE CVLD363 Two For The Road CVLD 364 Sergej Rachmaninov - Études Tableaux CVLD361 L’UCCELLAJA CVLD369 Frequency Of Humanity CVLD366 Le radici di una intolleranza CVLD367 Gira l'anima CVLD373 Double Time CVLD365A Papier-Maché
€ 279,00
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€ 329,00
Per la prima volta VELUT LUNA offre questo servizio rendendo disponibile i preziosi master copy 1:1 dalla bobina master analogica originale di una larga parte del catalogo VELUT LUNA, le migliori registrazioni realizzate da Marco Lincetto per Velut Luna. La duplicazione è effettuata su nastro LPR90 1/4"- 265mm Metal Reel Nab (BOBINA IN METALLO), a 15 IPS con EQ IEC, utilizzando un RTR STUDER A810 come player e un RTR STUDER A816 come recorder. La bobina è confezionata in una elegante scatola di cartone rigida, con grafica realizzata singolarmente a mano. La bobina arriva avvolta con il principio di TAIL END. Questa è un'oppurtunità unica, infatti potrai scegliere il titolo che desideri dal catologo che vedi qui sotto: dovrai inserire il titolo e il codice (CVLD...) nel box 'Scrivi un messaggio al venditore' che troverai alla fine della procedura di acquisto, prima del pagamento. La proposta commerciale relativa a questo progetto è intesa come una PRESTAZIONE DI SERVIZIO ad personam e su richiesta: ovvero NON si tratta della vendita di un oggetto immediatamente disponibile e di pronta vendita, ma di BOBINE originali prodotte su richiesta da parte dei nostri clienti (richiesta formulato con il semplice ordine online del servizio esclusivamente tramite questo sito); il prezzo richiesto NON è relativo all'oggetto, ma alla stessa e precisa prestazione di servizio necessaria alla preparazione. Anche per questo motivo, dal momento dell'acquisto/ordine, la bobina verrà spedita non prima di 7/10 giorni, proprio per darci il tempo di realizzarle e in caso di overbooking i tempi di consegna potrebbero anche allungarsi. La spedizione viene effettuata tramite corriere espresso, all'interno di una confezione particolarmente curata ed è assicurata contro ogni inconveniente per l'intero valore del prodotto. In funzione della lunghezza/durata del nastro, la durata potrebbe variare rispetto al supporto in CD, pertanto potrebbero essere escluse alcune tracce rispetto al master originale. Caratteristiche tecniche del nastro: Formats: 1/4" Tape Width: inch 0,25 mm 6,3 Tape Length: ft 3608 m 1100 Reel Diameter: inch 10,5 mm 250 CATALOGO DISPONIBILE: CVLD00100 LIDJIENKO SMILE CVLD01200 IMPROVVISAMENTE UN GIORNO TRA I MESI CVLD02600 DIALOGHI CVLD03000 VIVO SONHANDO CVLD03100 GUARDA AVANTI CVLD03400 PLANETARIUM CVLD03500 SERENGETI CVLD03600 RADIO DAYS CVLD04700 SING WITHOUT WORDS CVLD07600 INSTANTS, LIVE AT TEATRO OLIMPICO CVLD 243 THE IRVING BERLIN SONGBOOK CVLD 244 LOOKING FOR LOVE CVLD07700 PANGEA CVLD08200 BIX CVLD08300 GEORGE GERSHWIN CVLD106 LUZ - SACD CVLD08600 GOLD FINGERS CVLD07300 ALTRE SPEZIE CVLD08800 ELLE CVLD01100 FRAGMENTA CVLD027 HD THE EIGHT SEASONS CVLD02900 OPERE SCELTE CVLD03700 CLARINAMENTE CVLD04200 IMAGENES DE TANGO CVLD04300 PIETRE CVLD05000 SCHUBERT, BEETHOVEN CVLD05200 IN CROCE CVLD05700 UNUS INTER PARES CVLD06200 ENCORE! CVLD06400 NOTTE DI NATALE CVLD 275 ITALIAN MUSIC FOR GUITAR AND PIANO CVLD08000 F. BUSONI - 24 PRELUDI OP. 37 CVLD09000 W.A. MOZART, B. BRITTEN - I SOLISTI DELL'OLIMPICO CVLD104 PIZZICHI E SOSPIRI CVLD02800 STELLE CVLD03200 METABOLE' CVLD04400 ONDE MEDITERRANEE CVLD04600 JUST HERE, RIGHT THERE CVLD07000 NO MAN'S LAND CVLD01400 THAT'S SOUND: MUSIC FROM SCREEN AND STAGE CVLD06100 'E TERETUPPETE CVLD107 SE POTESSI AVERE... CVLD06000 CARO NANNI CVLD093 GIUSEPPE MARTUCCI - THE COMPLETE WORKS FOR CELLO AND PIANO CVLD092 FRANZ LISZT GRANDES ETUDES POUR LE PIANO CVLD117 EPISOD CVLD118 BLUE CVLD119 CIAO FRED ! CVLD122 AMERICANIZADA CVLD128 FALLING IN LOVE CVLD123 WINGS - SONGS OF THE JEWISH HEART CVLD129 CROSSING CVLD135 NITE IN THE CITY CVLD136 JOURNEY OF HOPE CVLD139 NUVOLE DI CARTA CVLD132 MAKING WHOPEE CVLD153 X CVLD149 VOCI DI LUNA WHITE GOLD EDITION CVLD156 CHOPIN CVLD165 CATFISH FOR BREAKFAST CVLD158 ELLAURA - SACD CVLD160 MYSTERE PIANO CVLD159 TUTTE LE DIREZIONI CVLD164 BLUE SIMPHONY CVLD163 Raindrops CVLD162 Il Cantante al Microfono CVLD167 FLOWERS V L H D HIGH QUALITY EDITION CVLD169 PIETRO ANTONIO LOCATELLI CONCERTI GROSSI OP.1 VOL. 1 CVLD207 LOVE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING CVLD183 SE IL MARE ...UN OCEANO DI CARTE CVLD187 LENTOGODENDO CVLD178 PETITES SUITES CVLD188 P. A. LOCATELLI CONCERTI GROSSI OP.1 VOL. 2 CVLD185 LINFA CVLD180 ILLEGAL LOVE CVLD181 ANNO DOMINI 2012 CVLD210 SKETCHES OF MEMORIES THE BEST SONGS OF OUR LIFE CVLD202 BIG BAND BOND CVLD194 YASMINA CVLD205 I SOGNI DI GIANO' CONCERTO CVLD201 CARTA BIANCA CVLD192 GRANDO XE AMOR CVLD206 CHORAL FIREWORKS CVLD 239 Sospiri nel tardo Romanticismo CVLD 241 Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto, Op. 35, Méditation, Op. 42 CVLD209 NUBILARIA CVLD208 JOSEPH BODIN DE BOISMORTIER SONATE PER FAGOTTO E CONTINUO OP. 50 & PIECES DE CLAVECIN CVLD213 FIVE PORTRAITS CVLD212 VIBRAZIONI CONSONANTI CVLD214 ADAMO... LET'S SWING! CVLD215 AMOR Y PASION CVLD218 CHRISTMAS CVLD219 STABAT MATER CVLD220 DO IT! - LIVE CVLD222 J. S. BACH SONATAS BWV 1027-1028-1029 CVLD223 COLORS CVLD228 KYRA CVLD224 DE - FORMA SONATA LISZT BERG CHOPIN CVLD227 AYRES & FANTASIAS CVLD232 MOZART PIANO SONATAS CVLD231 MORS & VITA CVLD230 PHOTOGRAPHS & MEMORIES TRIBUTE TO JIM CROCE CVLD234 ARIETTE CVLD233 IMPROMPTUS CVLD229 TANGO EN VIVO CVLD235 THE CINEMA SHOW! CVLD 240 SOMEONE LIKES IT ZOMBIE ! CVLD 238 MIGAJAS CVLD 242 FLUTE, CELLO & PIANO TRIOS CVLD 237 WATER CVLD 225 KING FOR A NIGHT CVLD 246 GASLINI SINFONICO 4 CVLD 249 PAY INTENTION CVLD 250 CELLO SOLO CVLD 248 FLUTE FOR DINNER - Chamber Music for Flute CVLD 252 C'ERA UNA VOLTA IN ROMAGNA CVLD 253 INFINITY CVLD 245 Chopin & Schumann CVLD 260 SETTE PASSI VERSO IL CIELO CVLD 263 FLYING ATTITUDE CVLD 264 REC LIVE ! CVLD 268 LUSH MUSIC CVLD 270 STOP AT THE DEVIL'S CROSSROAD CVLD 269 L'UOMO CHE CAMMINA CVLD266 COPLAS DE LA LUNA CVLD267 E TERETUPPETE ... N'ATA VOTA ! CVLD 273 LOS IMPOSSIBLES CVLD 274 ALBERTO BOISCHIO PLAYS BEETHOVEN CVLD 265 TWO COUNTRIES ONE HEART CVLD 271 MASSIMO GON PLAYS CHOPIN CVLD 278 IN VOLO CVLD 277 RAIDERS OF THE LOST MUSIC CVLD 284 WHEN YOUR DRUMMER HAS GONE CVLD 285 FIL ROUGE CVLD 280 SHAPE CVLD 281 Almerigo Girotto - Liriche da camera per voce e pianoforte CVLD 282 SORTILEGES CVLD 279 ROOTS CVLD 286 NINNI ARINI CANTA LUIGI TENCO CVLD 289 WOOD 3 CVLD 287 ITALIANA ! CVLD 288 RIFLESSI IN CONTRASTO CVLD291 GLI INVISIBILI CVLD 315 BEETHOVEN IN TRIO CVLD292 W.A. MOZART - WIND CONCERTS CVLD294 JAZZ NATURE CVLD 296 MUSICAL PORTRAITS CVLD 299 TERRA MATER CVLD 293 FLUTE CONCERTOS CVLD 298 LANDSCAPES - Classic Piano Solo CVLD 297 PETITE MESSE SOLENNELLE - Original Version for 12 Soloists CVLD 300 HOT WIRE Live Recording CVLD 295 MINUTES OF GOLD CVLD 301 ORIGINAL COMPOSITIONS FOR PIANO CVLD 304 GUSTAV MAHLER - Symphony N. 1 in D Major, Titan CVLD 307 AT TIME IT IS CVLD 303 CLOSE-LAMB-WHITE-WALLS CVLD 306 AUDIOPHILE MUSICAL JOURNEY CVLD 309 J.S. BACH CVLD 310 PIAZZOLLA - SOLO PIANO CVLD 312 VOCI DI LUNA 2 CVLD 316 ILLEGAL LOVE 2 CVLD 318 HEART/STRINGS CVLD 317 ITALO BAIANA CVLD 319 ORGAN WARS CVLD 320 MINGUS WORLD CVLD 321 SE FOSSI UNA RONDINELLA CVLD 323 QUATTRO CVLD 322 BACH - ALTERNATIVE HARPSICHORD CONCERTOS CVLD 325 THE OTHER GIRL CVLD 324 CATCH ME CVLD 330 WITHIN & WITHOUT - Homage to Rakhmaninov CVLD 329 ODYSSEIA CVLD 327 CELLO SONATAS CVLD 328 JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH CVLD 332 TO RUSSIA WITH LOVE CVLD 331 KD CVLD 276 KHOREIA CVLD336 KURT! CVLD333 Johann Sebastian Bach - Cello Suites For Harpsichord CVLD335 JUST FOR YOU! CVLD 337 The Planets CVLD338 Mano Sucias, Alejandro S. Martinez and The Latin Jazz Big Band CVLD344 Miroirs de la musique CVLD343 Furious Dance (crossover orchestra) CVLD342 PARMA - Hidden and Imaginary Landscapes CVLD349 LATIN JAZZ BAND - 2022 Edition CVLD350 Carlo Graziani-Walter, "AL MONDO MUSICALE" CVLD347 DREAMLAND CVLD339 Liszt Piano Transcriptions, Eliana Grasso CVLD345 Stick To Duke CVLD351 Retrato Brasileiro CVLD346 ViPerArp Trio CVLD353 Sonriendo te vas CVLD354 W2TF CVLD360 LIVING BLUES - THE ITALIAN RECORDINGS CVLD359 AMBRA CVLD362 PROJECT ONE CVLD363 Two For The Road CVLD 364 Sergej Rachmaninov - Études Tableaux CVLD361 L’UCCELLAJA CVLD369 Frequency Of Humanity CVLD366 Le radici di una intolleranza CVLD367 Gira l'anima CVLD373 Double Time CVLD365A Papier-Maché
€ 329,00
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Go to cartSE POTESSI AVERE... (LP 180gr. su Top Clear Vinyl + File HD)
€ 49,00
Patrick Trentini conductor / Giuliana Beberi vocal / alto, tenor saxes / Luca Merlini vocal 24 Bit / 96 kHz / 24 tracks Original Recording: Studio Magister Sala A on April 8, 9 - 2004 Preganziol, Treviso (Italy) "Se potessi avere" an orchestra of the 40s still playing today. Songs from our italian memories: Mille lire al mese, Parlami d'Amore Mariù, Ba Ba Baciami Piccina, Ma l'Amore No, La Strada nel Bosco and many others presented exactly like they were by Giuliana Beberi and Luca Merlini with the New Project Orchestra directed by Patrick Trentini.
€ 49,00
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Go to cartLibero Arbitrio - GOLD CD
€ 21,90
Libero Arbitrio - GOLD CD Gold CD Libero Arbitrio - Amos Ghirardelli (CVLD382) CD 24k Gold+ HD FILES FOR THE WHOLE PERIOD OF THE PRE-SALE* *the files will arrive on your email with a sending after order confirmations Available from: 02-11-2024 This is a pre-order product. Once it will be available in stock, your order will be shipped. The first album of Amos Ghirardelli, 63 years old with forty years of musical career behind him. And it’s a record that opens the heart to lovers of the great PROG, descending by direct line from the great furrow drawn by the big English and Italian groups in the first half of the 70s. It is an excellent music, performed in a sensational way by amazing musicians and that revolves, as tradition requires to these projects, around a precise "concept" which is perfectly summed up in the title of the album, FREE WILL, as well as in the lyrics sung at the end of the long initial suite that bears the title of the album
€ 21,90
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Go to cartIL CANTANTE AL MICROFONO - Eugenio Finardi | 45rpm - Double Vinyl
€ 69,00
PRE-ORDER IL CANTANTE AL MICROFONO - 2025 - VYNIL EUGENIO FINARDI Double Vinyl 45 rpm Deluxe Limited Edition + File Master HD (numbered limited edition 300pz) Returns in a new and definitive, spectacular, double vinyl edition at 45 rpm one of the great masterpieces of Italian music of recent years, limited to 300 copies, each with progressive numbering. The recording project Il Cantante Al Microfono bridges the gap between songwriting and contemporary classical music, starting with the great Russian actor, poet and singer-songwriter Vysotsky, who tragically died in 1980, who understood and sang the true soul of his people and was therefore severely opposed by the Soviet regime. His music accompanies with intriguing melodies, now with a Balkan flavor, now with oriental tones, now tracing ancient times of waltzes, the texts sharp and scratchy. From the corpus of his more than 500 songs, Eugenio Finardi and Filippo Del Corno have chosen a dozen titles strongly representative of the ethical, spiritual, political tension and corrosive irony that animates Vysotsky’s work. The songs, already translated into Italian by Sergio Secondiano Sacchi, were orchestrated for the instrumental ensemble Sentieri Selvaggi by Del Corno himself, in a version that highlights the highest poetic and musical quality of Vysotsky’s verses and allows the full deployment of the extraordinary interpretative power of Eugenio Finardi. It is in fact a long time that Finardi joins his activity as the protagonist of the Italian author rock an in-depth and rigorous vocal research work, which will leave those who do not know the path that led him from fado, to his beloved blues, right up to the contemporary classical. The graphics are very refined and curated by Convertino. A project that perfectly fits with the production line that Velut Luna has always proposed: originality in proposals artistically and technically of the highest quality. Eugenio Finardi voce Sentieri selvaggi : Paola Fre flauto Mirco Ghirardini clarinetto Paolo Pasqualin vibrafono Andrea Rebaudengo pianoforte Piercarlo Sacco violino Paola Perardi violoncello Carlo Boccadoro direzione Sergio Secondiano Sacchi traduzione italiana Filippo Del Corno orchestrazione L'opera ha vinto la Targa Tenco 2008, nella Sezione interpreti di canzoni non proprie Live-In-Studio Analog Recording, mix and original mastering made at Magister Recording Area studio, Preganziol, Italy on December, 18 - 22, 2007 Analog re-mastering made at VLS Studio, Naquera, Spain, on November, 4, 2024 ANALOG RECORDING: RTR Soundcraft Saturn 24 tracks / 2" tape at 76cm/sec recording speed ANALOG MIX & MASTERING: RTR Studer A820, 2 tracks, using 1/4" tape at 38 cm/sec recording speed ANALOG RE-MASTERING: Maselec Analog Mastering Suite (MLA-2 / MEA-2 / MPL-2) to RTR Studer A810
€ 69,00
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Go to cartLIFE - Roberto Jonata
€ 21,90
LIFE - Roberto Jonata (CVLD383) All music composed by Roberto Jonata, except for track 12 “Carry On… Jon” by Ritchie Blackmore Roberto Jonata plays on Steinway & Sons D274 Concert Grandpiano tuned by Silvano Zanta The collaboration between VELUT LUNA and Roberto Jonata, which has been in existence for over ten years, continues today offering his vision of "Life", through his extraordinary compositions, immersed in the world of international minimalism, but characterized as always by the presence of a strong melodic vein, distinctive sign of the musical poetics of the composer and pianist veneto.. Extraordinary music combined with the latest refinement of piano recording technique that Marco Lincetto continues to implement, achieving an end sound quality more remarkable. 88.2kHz / 24bit Digital Recording, made at Magister Area Studios, Preganziol, Italy on September 10, 2024 Analog mix and mastering made at VLS, Naquera, Espana on October, 25, 2024 Production: Velut Luna Executive producer: Marco Lincetto Musical producer: Roberto Jonata Balance, mix and mastering engineer: Marco Lincetto Pro Tools recording engineer: Andrea Valfrè Photos: Marco Dal Maso Design: Nadia Fattori Layout: L'Image
€ 21,90
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Go to cartLadies 3 - Masterclone 24K GOLD CD
€ 69,00
Ladies 3 individually made one by one Disponibili solo 50 pezzi su Gold 24K CD! Masterclone 24K GOLD CD Chiara Pastò 01 One Day I’ll Fly Away (J. Sample, W. Jennings) 4:37 Francesco Pollon, piano / Magister Recording Area, 2023 Nina 02 Sapore di sale (G. Paoli) 2:22 Villa El Salvador Ensemble / Magister Recording Area, 2010 Giuliana Beberi 03 Ti parlerò d’amor (Martinelli, Bracchi) 3:36 NPCOrchestra, Patrick Trentini / Magister Recording Area, 2004 Lara Cavalli Monteiro 04 Cajuina (C. Veloso) 4:39 David Beltran Soto Chero Ensemble / Villa Masiero e Centanin, 2019 Antonella Vitale 05 Tra la sabbia e il mare aperto (A. Vitale) 4:58 Antonella Vitale Ensemble / Magister Recording Area, 2007 Lucia Minetti 06 Retrato em branco e preto (A. C. Jobim) 3:29 Andrea Zani, Martino Maina / San Giacomo Spazio d’Arte, 2023 Cheryl Porter 07 Smile (C. Chaplin) 4:41 Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto, Massimo Parente / Auditorium Pollini, 2005 Angela Centanin 08 Da A Me Riva (F. De Andrè, M. Pagani) 4:31 Ensemble Terra Mater / Magister Recording Area, 2020 Anna Cinzia Villani 09 Nia, nia, nia (trad. popolare) 2:21 Ensemble Terra d’Otranto / Masseria Torcito, Cannole, 2003 Rosella Caporale 10 Lu Guarracino (trad. popolare) 5:49 Stefania e Valentina Todesco / Villa Todesco, 2015 Lucia Minetti 11 Tango del vento (N. Campogrande, D. Voltolini) 3:18 Ensemble Musicamorfosi / Villa Reale, Monza, 2004 Cristina Sartori 12 I Don’t Know How To Love Him (A. L. Webber, T. Rice) 3:57 Michele Giacomazzi / Magister Recording Area, 2006 Larissa Demidova 13 Ave Maria (F. Schubert) 4:37 Alessandro Kirschner / Duomo di Monteortone, 2003 Laura Manzoni 14 Adeste fideles (Trad. Popolare) 2:31 Maria Cleofe Miotti, Gianni Landroni / Pieve di Borgo Capanne, 2002 Durata totale: 55:33 High Resolution PCM 88.2 kHz/ 24 bit digital recordings made in Italy by Marco Lincetto at: Magister Recording Area, Treviso / San Giacomo Spazio d’Arte, Albignasego / Villa Reale, Monza / Villa Masiero e Centanin, Arquà Petrarca / Villa Todesco, Padova / Masseria Torcito, Cannole, Lecce / Duomo, Monteortone / Pieve di Borgo Capanne, Bologna Remastering in digital - analog - digital domain by Marco Lincetto at VLS Studio, Naquera, Spain in November 2024 Cover photo by Marco Lincetto made in 1990: a special thanks to my dear friend Lucia, for her image. Design and Layout by L'Image Studio
€ 69,00
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Go to cartJAZZ
€ 49,00
JAZZ AUDIOPHILE VINYL - LIMITED EDITION CON FILE MASTER HD PREORDER (deliveries scheduled from 15 FEBRUARY) Pietro Ballestrero, Gianni Basso, Stefano Bertoli, Paolo Birro, Fabrizio Bosso, Gianni Coscia, Paolo Fresu, Giorgio Gaslini, Tiziana Ghiglioni, Sandro Gibellini, Lucia Minetti, Gabriele Mirabassi, Mauro Negri, Stefano Profeta, Royal Big Band, Sax Four Fun, Markus Stockhausen, Tiger Dixie Band, Gianluigi Trovesi. It is always difficult to make a collection of musical pieces, even though they belong to the same genre; and it is even more so if he who has to do it is the one who wanted them, produced them, recorded them: that is someone who finally considers himself divided between the role of "dad" and "co-author", in this case myself who is writing these short notes. The difficulty is in choosing songs that make sense one after another, but also in having to exclude, for physical lack of space, many others no less beautiful, no less interesting. Also in the awareness of where to leave out with the heartache so many wonderful musicians to whom, I always feel tied by an indissoluble tie for the common passion that has united us in loving the music we propose. It is therefore for this reason that every collection I make has implicitly, alongside the title, that fundamental definition which can only be "Volume 1". In the belief that sooner or later other volumes will follow, because it is really impossible for me to draw up a ranking of merit among the many songs, all of them, I have produced in 30 years of career. And here comes the fundamental note that I realized especially in the last few years, which is that ALL my productions, for me, are absolutely equivalent: they are all on the same level. Because I always made an incredible selection BEFORE going into production, and once the journey started with the chosen musicians, It was always clear that the work could not have become a pearl of a very long necklace that today counts altogether eighty-eight. Jazz, according to me, or according to Velut Luna, has always meant research and tradition, warmth and humanity, immediacy and symbol of the unspeakable "Hic et Nunc" of the moment of recordings, which have all been made in direct take, without editing cuts, Often mixed directly on stereo master. Listening to these songs again, one by one, I relived the atmosphere, in the broadest possible sense, of those unrepeatable moments: after all, recording is a way to travel back in time every time I listen to it. The musicians and I are lucky people, to have received the privilege of living these emotions difficult to tell in words, but I hope they can be at least a little 'conveyed by the sound tracks left in the grooves of the records. Forever and ever. Thank you all, Marco Lincetto I dedicate this project to my friend Giorgio Gaslini, who left us too soon, 11 years ago
€ 49,00
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