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ViPerArp Trio

ViPerArp Trio

€ 18,00

01 - Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen) 6:32         Freddy Mercury 02 - Paint It Black (The Rolling Stones) 3:56           Mick Jagger, Keith Richard 03 - Always Remember Us This Way (Lady Gaga) 3:27         Lady Gaga 04 - Firth Of Fifth (Genesis) 7:47         Peter Gabriel, Steve Hackett, Mike Rutherford, Tony Banks, Phil Collins 05 - Resistance (Muse) 6:01         Matthew Bellamy 06 - Can't Help Falling In Love (Elvis Presley) 4:14         Hugo Peretti, Luigi Creatore, George David Weiss 07 - Stairway To Heaven (Led Zeppelin) 7:50         Jimmy Page, Robert Plant 08 - Your Song (Elton John) 5:28         Elton John, Bernie Taupin   Total time: 45:20   ViPerArp Trio Varina Fortin, violin Lucia Stone, harp Marica Veronese, percussions   24bit / 88.2kHz original digital recording made at Magister Area Recording, Preganziol, Italy, on July 5, 6, 7, 2022   Production: VELUT LUNA Executive producer: Marco Lincetto Balance recording and mix engineer: Marco Lincetto Musical producer: Mattia Zanatta Editing engineer: Mattia Zanatta Final and fine editing: Andrea Valfrè Mastering engineer: Marco Lincetto Photo: Marco Lincetto Design and layout: L'Image Social media manager: Massimo Corvino   "Ci sono due tipi di musica: la buona musica e tutto il resto" Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington Questa citazione del grande Duke si ritrova affermata da tanti altri acuti e attenti musicisti, pur con le più differenti varianti di forma, ma la medesima essenza sostanziale. Ad esempio, Adriano Lincetto, mio padre, diceva spesso che non esiste la "Musica Classica" o la "Musica Pop", o la "Musica jazz"... esiste solo la Musica Bella e la Musica Brutta. E infatti lui, grande pianista accademico, compositore, docente di pianoforte, amava indifferentemente, ad esempio, l'Appassionata di Beethoven, così come Yesterday dei Beatles o Sassi di Gino Paoli. Questo concetto è anche quello che ha principalmente istruito la mia scelta di fondare quasi trent'anni fa un'etichetta discografica alternativa alle scelte ingessate delle majors e comunque di tutti quegli operatori cosiddetti "mainstream". Un progetto come questo ViPerArp Trio rappresenta l'essenza più stretta e intima di questo ragionamento. Non è un progetto "provocatorio", anzi: si prefigge esattamente lo scopo di abbattere una volta di più le barriere fra i generi, con l'obiettivo di magnificare l'essenza stessa della Musica. Ho quindi personalmente scelto gli otto brani che compongono questo disco, tutti famosissimi e di "estrazione popolare", ovvero scritti e resi celeberrimi e immortali da autori e interpreti definitivi nell'immaginario popolare. Ho scelto questi brani e li ho affidati alle sapienti mani di un genio moderno della Musica come Oscar Del Barba, che ne ha fatto oggetto delle sue riflessioni e attenzioni. Il suo lavoro è stato quello di filtrare melodie, armonie e ritmi musicali, nativamente fissati e stabiliti in una direzione di genere precisa, attraverso le sue conoscenze e la sua sensibilità personale che passa senza alcuna soluzione di continuità, da Stravinsky ai ritmi Sudamericani, da Bartok a Charlie Parker, in un florilegio di colori ed emozioni nuove, ammalianti, assolute. Credo che questo lavoro possa rappresentare una sorta di perfetto paradigma tradotto in suoni della citazione iniziale di Duke Ellington. E spero che possa rappresentare un momento di svago, ma anche di crescita culturale per chiunque vorrà acquistarlo, ascoltarlo e gustarlo, mettendo da parte ogni pregiudizio e preconcetto strutturale.   Le interpreti di questa avventura hanno a loro volta saputo svestire i "panni di ruolo" di serissime musiciste "classiche" dal curriculum impeccabile, speso fra aule di Conservatorio e prestigiosi palcoscenici dei più noti teatri mondiali, hanno cioè saputo scendere dalla cattedra accademica che ne caratterizza le carriere principali, per trasformarsi in Muse di una Musica Nuova, che come amava dire il grande Maestro Ennio Morricone, potremmo definire Assoluta. I loro strumenti a volta si trasformano e trasfigurano in altro da sè, come il violino che a volte ammicca al suono della chitarra elettrica o di una tastiera vintage, o l'arpa che sa passare da pulsante motore ritmico a soave lira melodiosa e infine le percussioni infinite che fanno da contraltare e collante al lavoro delle altre due interpreti, non senza ritagliarsi a loro volta un ruolo solistico laddove meno te lo aspetteresti. Merito dunque a Oscar Del Barba che ha avuto la visione di tutto ciò su mia perversa ispirazione; e merito alle interpreti che hanno saputo uscire dal loro ruolo tradizionale e immedesimarsi al loro meglio possibile in questa nostra visione.   "There are two kinds of music: good music and all that" Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington This quote of the great Duke is found affirmed by many other acute and attentive musicians, although with the most different variations of form, but the same substantial essence. For example, Adriano Lincetto, my father, often said that there is no "Classical Music" or "Pop Music", or "Jazz Music"... there is only Beautiful Music and Ugly Music. And in fact he, great academic pianist, composer, piano teacher, loved indifferently, for example, the Beethoven Sonata "Appassionata", as well as Yesterday by the Beatles or Sassi by Gino Paoli. This concept is also the one that mainly instructed my choice to found almost thirty years ago an alternative record label to the plastered choices of the majors and all those so-called "mainstream" operators. A project like this ViPerArp Trio represents the narrowest and most intimate essence of this reasoning. It is not a "provocative" project, on the contrary: it aims precisely to break down once more the barriers between genres, with the aim of magnifying the very essence of Music. So I personally chose the eight songs that make up this album, all famous and of "popular extraction", that are written and made famous and immortal by authors and interpreters definitive in the popular imagination. I chose these pieces and I entrusted them to the wise hands of a modern genius of Music like Oscar Del Barba, who made them the subject of his reflections and attentions. His work has been to filter melodies, harmonies and musical rhythms, natively fixed and established in a precise genre direction, through his knowledge and his personal sensitivity that passes without any solution of continuity, from Stravinsky to South American rhythms, from Bartok to Charlie Parker, in a kaleidoscope of new colors and emotions, bewitching, absolute. I think this work can represent a sort of perfect paradigm translated into sounds of the initial quote of Duke Ellington. And I hope it will represent a moment of leisure, but also of cultural growth for anyone who wants to buy it, listen to it and taste it, putting aside any prejudice and structural preconception.   The performers of this adventure have in turn been able to undress the "role-playing roles" of serious "classical" musicians with impeccable curriculum, spent between classrooms of the Conservatory and prestigious stages of the most famous world theatres, that is, they were able to come down from the academic chair that characterizes the main careers, to become Muses of a New Music, which as the great Maestro Ennio Morricone loved to say, we could define Absolute. Their instruments turn and transfigure into something else on their own, like the violin that sometimes winks at the sound of the electric guitar or a vintage keyboard, or the harp that knows how to go from rhythmic engine button to sweet melodious lyre and finally the endless percussion that act as a counterweight and glue to the work of the other two performers, not without carving out in turn a solo role where you least expect. Thanks then to Oscar Del Barba who had the vision of all this on my perverse inspiration; and about the performers who have been able to get out of their traditional role and identify themselves at their best in this vision of ours.  

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Furious Dance (crossover orchestra) + mastercolone Gold 24K

Furious Dance (crossover orchestra) + mastercolone Gold 24K

€ 69,00

EDIZIONE SPECIALE LIMITATA CHE OFFRE OLTRE AL CD REGOLARMANETE STAMPATO IN FABBRICA, ANCHE LA VERSIONE SU DC.r GOLD 24K, REALIZZATA UNA PER UNA IN TEMPO REALE DIRETTAMENTE DALLA WORKSTATION DI PRODUZIONE. L'universo sonoro del giovane compositore croato Dubravko Palanović (1977*) è contraddistinto non solo dal fenomeno del crossover musicale, come una sorta di determinante generazionale, ma anche dal suo grande potere ricettivo, dalla capacità di assorbire e assimilare varie influenze musicali, stili e generi, e soprattutto padroneggiando il mestiere di compositore di formazione classica. Tutto ciò gli permette di trascendere i confini di una mera “lega/miscela stilistica" che oggi, oramai quasi "meccanicamente" delineiamo da un significato più profondo con la già svuotata definizione di world music. Sebbene inizialmente costituita da una serie di elementi riconoscibili, la musica di Palanović offre in ampia misura una sostanza tonale personale, originale e pregnante. Le sue composizioni su questo CD, ad esempio, portano l'impronta delle microregioni croate (geograficamente molto vicine, ma ancora abbastanza specifiche e ricche di diversità): la musica tradizionale della Dalmazia o dell'entroterra dalmata (Kamene zvijezde – Stelle di pietra), dell’Istria e i suoni aspri delle sue sopele esotiche (Mistični putevi Istre - Sentieri mistici dell'Istria), le belle canzoni dei dintorni di Zagabria (Sjećam se “Plavog trnaca” – Mi ricordo del pruno blu), o le anime allegre della Slavonia (Drmeš) L'intero album è caratterizzato da una ricchezza di contrasti: atmosfere di intenso movimento si alternano a stati meditativi, eccitazioni momentanee e scoppi di passione esplosiva di energia con rilassamenti improvvisi e fughe nella contemplazione, immagini tonali di stati intimi in cui i musicisti presentano i loro segreti attraverso espressioni musicali estroverse, piene di buone vibrazioni. L'album Furious dance è un viaggio nell'ignoto ricco di emozioni e di nuovi, ancora inimmaginabili, paesaggi musicali, tutti da scoprire, una musica che commuove, ispira, e che di certo non lascerà indifferente nessuno.   The sound universe of compositions by the young Croatian composer Dubravko Palanović (1977 *) is marked not only by the phenomenon of musical crossover, as a kind of generational determinant, but especially by its great receptive power, its ability to absorb and assimilate various musical influences, styles and genres, but above all and quite crucially by mastering the skill of a classically educated composer. All this enabled him to transcend the boundaries of a mere "stylistic alloy" which today (already almost "mechanically") is defined from a deeper meaning by the already over-used notion of world music. Upon closer acquaintance, Palanović's music, although at first seemingly consisting of several recognizable elements, offers an exceptional amount of its own, original, and succinct tonal substance. For example, his compositions on this sound carrier bear the stamp of several Croatian micro-regions (geographically very close, but still so special, specific and rich in diversity): the traditional music of Dalmatia or the Dalmatian hinterland (Kamene zvijezde – Stone Stars), of Istria with its harsh sounds of exotic sopelas  (Mistični putevi Istre - Mystical Ways of Istria), lovely songs from the surroundings of Zagreb (Sjećam se “Plavog trnaca” - I Remember the Blue Blackthorn), or the cheerful and radiant Slavonian spirit (Drmeš). The whole album is characterized by a wealth of contrast: atmospheres of intense movement alternate with meditative states, momentary excitements and outbursts of hot passion bursting with energy with sudden relaxations and escapes into contemplation, tonal images of intimate states in which musicians reveal their deepest secrets in the language of music with very extrovert musical expressions full of good vibes. The album Furious dance is a journey into the unknown; full of excitement and new, yet unimagined musical landscapes, which are worth discovering, and full of music that moves and inspires and that will certainly not leave anyone indifferent. Davor Merkaš  

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Furious Dance (crossover orchestra)

Furious Dance (crossover orchestra)

€ 18,00

L'universo sonoro del giovane compositore croato Dubravko Palanović (1977*) è contraddistinto non solo dal fenomeno del crossover musicale, come una sorta di determinante generazionale, ma anche dal suo grande potere ricettivo, dalla capacità di assorbire e assimilare varie influenze musicali, stili e generi, e soprattutto padroneggiando il mestiere di compositore di formazione classica. Tutto ciò gli permette di trascendere i confini di una mera “lega/miscela stilistica" che oggi, oramai quasi "meccanicamente" delineiamo da un significato più profondo con la già svuotata definizione di world music. Sebbene inizialmente costituita da una serie di elementi riconoscibili, la musica di Palanović offre in ampia misura una sostanza tonale personale, originale e pregnante. Le sue composizioni su questo CD, ad esempio, portano l'impronta delle microregioni croate (geograficamente molto vicine, ma ancora abbastanza specifiche e ricche di diversità): la musica tradizionale della Dalmazia o dell'entroterra dalmata (Kamene zvijezde – Stelle di pietra), dell’Istria e i suoni aspri delle sue sopele esotiche (Mistični putevi Istre - Sentieri mistici dell'Istria), le belle canzoni dei dintorni di Zagabria (Sjećam se “Plavog trnaca” – Mi ricordo del pruno blu), o le anime allegre della Slavonia (Drmeš) L'intero album è caratterizzato da una ricchezza di contrasti: atmosfere di intenso movimento si alternano a stati meditativi, eccitazioni momentanee e scoppi di passione esplosiva di energia con rilassamenti improvvisi e fughe nella contemplazione, immagini tonali di stati intimi in cui i musicisti presentano i loro segreti attraverso espressioni musicali estroverse, piene di buone vibrazioni. L'album Furious dance è un viaggio nell'ignoto ricco di emozioni e di nuovi, ancora inimmaginabili, paesaggi musicali, tutti da scoprire, una musica che commuove, ispira, e che di certo non lascerà indifferente nessuno.   The sound universe of compositions by the young Croatian composer Dubravko Palanović (1977 *) is marked not only by the phenomenon of musical crossover, as a kind of generational determinant, but especially by its great receptive power, its ability to absorb and assimilate various musical influences, styles and genres, but above all and quite crucially by mastering the skill of a classically educated composer. All this enabled him to transcend the boundaries of a mere "stylistic alloy" which today (already almost "mechanically") is defined from a deeper meaning by the already over-used notion of world music. Upon closer acquaintance, Palanović's music, although at first seemingly consisting of several recognizable elements, offers an exceptional amount of its own, original, and succinct tonal substance. For example, his compositions on this sound carrier bear the stamp of several Croatian micro-regions (geographically very close, but still so special, specific and rich in diversity): the traditional music of Dalmatia or the Dalmatian hinterland (Kamene zvijezde – Stone Stars), of Istria with its harsh sounds of exotic sopelas  (Mistični putevi Istre - Mystical Ways of Istria), lovely songs from the surroundings of Zagreb (Sjećam se “Plavog trnaca” - I Remember the Blue Blackthorn), or the cheerful and radiant Slavonian spirit (Drmeš). The whole album is characterized by a wealth of contrast: atmospheres of intense movement alternate with meditative states, momentary excitements and outbursts of hot passion bursting with energy with sudden relaxations and escapes into contemplation, tonal images of intimate states in which musicians reveal their deepest secrets in the language of music with very extrovert musical expressions full of good vibes. The album Furious dance is a journey into the unknown; full of excitement and new, yet unimagined musical landscapes, which are worth discovering, and full of music that moves and inspires and that will certainly not leave anyone indifferent. Davor Merkaš  

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€ 18,00

VELUT LUNA CVLD321 UPC: 8019349889896 01 - La Dosolina - Eddy Serafini,  2:44 02 - Gran Dio del Cielo - Armando Franceschini,  3:09 03 - ‘Ndormenzete popin - Erika Eccli,  2:42 04 - E col cifolo del vapore - Nikos Betti,  3:22 05 - La sposa morta - Marco Uvietta,  2:20 06 - Il Maritino - Armando Franceschini,  2:04 07 - La Madonnina - Camillo Moser e Italo Varner,  2:10 08 - La casa del mio bèn - Armando Franceschini,  1:38 09 - Ninna Nanna - Eddy Serafini,  1:59 10 - L’è tre ore che son chi sotto - Erika Eccli,  1:23 88.2kHz / 24bit original digital recording made at Areamagister Studios, Preganziol (Italy) on December, 28, 29, 2019 Production: Velut Luna Executive Producer: Marco Lincetto Musical Producer: Marco Lincetto & Barbara Bertoldi Recording, Mix & Mastering Enegineer: Marco Lincetto Photo: Marco Lincetto Design & Layout: L'Image Costantino Nigra pubblica nel 1888 i “Canti popolari del Piemonte”, utilizzando per la prima volta un approccio etnologico, comparatistico e dialettologico alla poesia popolare italiana. E’ una ricerca lunga, appassionata, nell’ambito dei “canti veramente popolari, cioè senza che se ne conosca l’autore, quei canti che si odono nei campi, nelle stalle, parto di poeti contadini”, come scrive in una lettera ad uno studioso sardo il suocero di Nigra, Giovenale Vegezzi Ruscalla. Nasce con Nigra la nuova metodologia di ricerca, che prima era area di studio e lavoro di letterati e filologi, prevalentemente toscani. Da questi studi discende che il canto popolare, se è di autore anonimo per quanto riguarda la scrittura, è però ben identificabile come area di diffusione. Ed è anche ben visibile la traccia storica che il testo compie attraverso le modificazioni cui esso è soggetto nel corso degli anni, se non dei secoli. I temi trattati investono la vita tutta dell’uomo e della donna, narrando del lavoro, dello svago, dell’amore, dei lutti e delle guerre. Sono testi, come quelli riportati nel presente CD, fortemente dialettali, propri dell’area dell’Italia settentrionale, con diffusione anche in Francia, Provenza, Catalogna e Portogallo. Poi, come è tipico della narrazione popolare, questa viene variata ed adattata alle situazioni e ai tempi diversi, senza variare l’impianto narrativo, di modo che si può sempre, o quasi, risalire al testo originale. I canti di questo CD, scelti dalla musicista interprete e ri-armonizzati per violoncello e voce da compositori amici e colleghi, riportano la narrazione alla sua rappresentazione più veritiera, quando l’interprete non era un coro, ma una o al massimo due voci, accompagnate da uno strumento, chitarra o violino che fosse, suonati molto spesso ad orecchio. L’accompagnamento del violoncello dà una veste raffinata e inedita nel vasto campo delle esecuzioni di canti popolari. Le ri-armonizzazioni proposte dai vari compositori rendono la narrazione variata e diversa, a seconda delle differenti sensibilità,  pur nel rispetto della armonizzazione primitiva.  

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€ 18,00

AA.VV. RAIDERS OF THE LOST MUSIC VELUT LUNA CVLD277 UPC: 8019349136662 ISRC: ITW311627701 .. .. .. The fantasy, the enthusiasm and the imagination of Steven Spielberg suggested me this my new musical adventure. I think that this record could represent as well the deepest meaning of my work inside music industry: the reason for I established an independent record company more than twenty years ago, meanwhile all over the world the music industry was beginning its decline in quality. So... We are Predators: people who need to explore the world always one step beyond; people, with extraordinary imagination and curiosity; people, with a yet perfect enthusiasm. During the early 2002 I had the idea of this role playing game and this real challenge to try to communicate the infinite possibility that Music offers to transform a single "theme" in several different compositions. So I asked some of the most beloved musicians of Velut Luna to develop – each one of them - one own personal arrangement of the famous Raider's Of The Lost Ark Main Theme, originally composed by the great John Williams. Even more than I hoped, a “fresco” composed by 7 paintings was created, which explores every possible acoustic sound, an extraordinary amount of different harmonic variations, every emotion in playing music together. Riding through different musical genres – from symphonic music to choral and chamber music, from soloist jazz to ensemble jazz, I really hope that this musical idea of mine could fascinate you as it fascinated me. TRACKLIST e INTERPRETI 1 Raiders of the lost ark, main theme 5:23 John Williams / Arr. Fabrizio Castania New Project Classical Orchestra, Patrick Trentini conductor Recording: Studio Magister, Preganziol, April 2004 2 Raiders of the lost ark, main theme 3:48 John Williams / Arr. Paolo Birro Paolo Birro, solo piano Recording: Studio Zanta, Camponogara, March 2004 3 Raiders of the lost ark, main theme (“FantaJones”) 5:14 John Williams / Arr. Francesco Erle Coro Schola S.Rocco, Francesco Erle conductor Recording: Chiesa di S.Rocco, Vicenza, January 2005 4 Raiders of the lost ark, main theme (“La Vera Arca”) 3:07 John Williams / Arr. Federico Zandonà Dittamondo Ensemble, four trumpets, timpani and organ Tranquillo Forza conductor Recording: Chiesa di S.Giorgio Martire, Castegnero, July 2004 5 Raiders of the lost ark, main theme 10:18 John Williams / Arr. Massimo Salvagnini Massimo Salvagnini, tenor sax, Stefano Bassato, guitar, Giorgio Panagin, doublebass Recording: Studio Magister, Preganziol, Febraury 2005 6 Raiders of the lost ark, main theme 3:41 John Williams / Arr. Fiorenzo Zeni Sax Four Fun, saxophone quartet Recording: Studio Magister, Preganziol, April 2005 7 Raiders of the lost ark, main theme 3:47 John Williams / Arr. Massimo Parente Massimo Parente Trio from VELUT LUNA CVLD 100 “INTERLUDE” Recording: Studio Zanta, Camponogara, September 2004

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€ 18,00

In Volo "In volo" is a project that offers one of the most complete descriptions of what a sax solo can do with Music. Using tenor, and alto and soprano sax, Roberto Favaro introduces a kaleidoscope of sounds, that take us into a wonderful musical journey. And the extraordinary recording tecnique undertakes to enter directly into the Sala A of MagisterArea Recording Studio: here you can find a natural and native reverb, that help the Music to find the most correct mood for each piece played. But now, please read the words of Roberto Favaro, to portray his music: "Over the years, through various experiences and musical collaborations, I realized that the boundaries and labels of various musical genres are less rigid than it may seem and so I developed my idea of contemporary music, or at least of what it is the very definition for me. I intend to define the contemporary music with more breathing space in order to broaden the concept of contemporary music of our time that, regardless of the type of musical writing, captures and expresses moods , the various influences and contamination between styles of our time making us live the music of the present. A flight with open arms among the last forty years of Italian music covering some of the compositions that I feel closest to me both for the relationship with the melody that over the years I have always sought, and for the collaboration with composers of chosen songs that allowed me to feel them closer to my playing. Among my compositions instead I selected those that I think express these concepts, from the descriptive “In volo” to the blues influences of “Sale Blu” and the contemporary style of “Improvvisamente... Niente...” thus completing the journey through feelings, emotions and music with no boundaries of style." Roberto Favaro, graduated in Saxophone and Jazz, he studied with M.Mazzoni, M.Marzi and F.Mondelci, and he also followed P.Tonolo and C.Fasoli jazz courses. He also achieved the “Diploma Accademico di II livello” in saxophone. Winner of national and international competitions, he has a Duo with a piano, he founded the “Aliseo” saxophone quartet, and the “DUOduemilaDUE”, a particular formation of accordion and saxophone that recorded “Figure in movimento su sfondo bruno”, a contemporary piece by Mario Pagotto. He is a member of saxophone ensemble “Hallo Mr. Sax!” of Parma conducted by Mario Marzi who recorded the homonymous CD and the CD “Gershwin”. He participated in numerous classical and contemporary music festivals, like “Biennale Musica” in Venice with the orchestra conducted by S.Bussotti and with IRCAM in Paris, 14th World Saxophone Congress in Lubiana, and in “Le Centre de Musique et d’Art” and the American University of Beirut. He participated in the “Itinerari Jazz” festival in Trento performing with the vocalist Noa and with the Orchestra Laboratorio conducted by Giancarlo Gazzani. He collaborates with many musical groups and orchestras like the Orchestra Filarmonia Veneta also as soloist, the RAI National Symphony Orchestra of Torino, with whom he performed radio and TV recordings, the Philharmonic Orchestra of Torino, the Orchestra of Teatro G.Verdi of Trieste, the Orchestra of Teatro La Fenice of Venice, the Orchestra of Teatro Regio of Torino, conducted by L.Berio, G.Pretre, D.Robertson, D.Oren, F.Shipway and I.Karabtchevsky. With the Ricatti Ensemble he recorded the CDs “Ricatti Ensemble”, “Suites” and “Ad ore piene” and performs recitals in different environments, from the theatre to dance, from the concert to the street. He has written some compositions for sax solo and music based on poems by Hikmet. He is Professor of Saxophone at Conservatorio “G.Martucci” of Salerno and in 2014 was invited to give a masterclass at the Koninklijk Conservatorium of Antwerp. TRACKLIST 01 - In Volo (2007) Roberto Favaro 4:27 soprano sax 02 - Studio solistico da concerto (1988) Eraclio Sallustio 3:24 tenor sax 03 - Burn! (2004) Giovanni Mancuso 6:05 tenor sax 04 - Incantation (1980) Carlo-Alessandro Landini 14:58 alto sax 05 - Comme l’oiseau (2003) Stefano Maria Ricatti 2:21 tenor sax 06 - Sale Blu (2012) Roberto Favaro 3:04 alto sax 07 - Brume (2016) Stefano Maria Ricatti 11:05 tenor sax 08 - Improvvisamente... Niente... (2015) Roberto Favaro 4:01 alto sax Total Time: 49:29 24bit / 88.2kHz original recording made at Magister Area Studio, Preganziol, Italy, on January 29th, 30th 2016 Production: Velut Luna Executive Producer: Marco Lincetto Musical Producer: Roberto Favaro Recording, Editing, Mix & Mastering: Marco Lincetto Layout: L’Image Cover Photo “Goccia di cielo”: Roberto Favaro Inside Photo: Marco Lincetto Rear Photos (Archive)

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€ 18,00

Velut Luna, an independent record label company, was created on September 6, 1995. From the outset, its main pillar and driving force has been the promotion of young talent, with the support of professionals and great maestros to help them produce a high-level of music without boundaries. Velut Luna has consistently produced a wide variety of first-rate music, ranging from the more traditional classical music, jazz, singer-songwriter and crossover. The record label has produced over 260 titles and the unique and elusive crossover genre has perhaps the most significant role in the exciting search for the new, but never separate from the beautiful, and without compromising the aesthetics that characterize its content. Marco Lincetto is the founder of Velut Luna. Since the beginning, he has worn many hats: music producer, art director and photographer. Even though passionately devoted to his Italian cultural identity, he has developed and cultivated a deep love for the United States. He identifies completely with the great values of the world’s largest and oldest democracy. He has come to love the spacious horizons of the United States and he has come to love its people. Since 1987, he has taken extended and carefully planned trips to the USA and has visited over 40 states. He does this for the love of the great country and its way of life and also to foster the passion that is inherent in his work. Marco Lincetto considers many Americans his closest friends, with whom he has had the good fortune to collaborate first on a professional level and then to cultivate long-lasting friendships. So then, it seemed natural to regard this project as the perfect way to celebrate twenty years of deep involvement in the music industry. We’re talking about a wide-ranging CD that combines the promotion of young talent with the support of successful artists in solo roles, bringing about an ideal pairing of the USA and Italy. It is an authentic project with a uniquely designed concept. This is apparent in the selection of 5 well-known American songs and 5 well-known Italian songs, interpreted respectively by a talented American singer and a celebrated Italian singer. They are accompanied by a symphony orchestra composed of extraordinary young musicians. Two instrumental pieces complete the program: one that is distinctly American – an Overture, and one that is unquestionably Italian – an Intermezzo. We are also treated to a final bonus, in which the two singers perform a duet of one of the most famous Italian songs of all time: Italian for certain, but the song is infused with the influence of American culture, which is palpable by a portion of the song’s lyrics in English.

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€ 18,00

The Walking Man by Saverio Tasca and AlterArco During a conversation one afternoon, Saverio Tasca told me about one of his mountain walks through the paths of the Great War. He felt it needed to be translated into a music project that crosses the past and the present. The main elements of the story would be the journey, the idea of “The Walking Man” and the water flowing within the story. The walk represents a man’s effort going on a journey. Today, those who walk along the Great War paths remember the anguish of the refugees’ exodus; the soldiers’ marches; those that advanced to the front; the ones dearly departed and those who made it home. The journey represents the passing of time. Through the experience “The Walking Man” discovers his own story, humbly retracing the steps of others, starting from the evocation of timeless emotions. Time and Man are in fact linked by the same signs, paths, traces and choices permeated through contrasting emotions. Love. Hatred. Compassion. Brutality. Welcoming. Indifference. Generosity. Egoism. Death and Life. Also associated with the walk is the landscape itself that reflects and answers both emotions evocated and man’s choices. During the Great War, not only men were transformed. Landscapes too were affected and cities were decimated. Some parts of the landscape assumed a sacred identity through sacrifice. From the impressive sacrariums that hold the memory, to the small and silent cemeteries scattered with crosses. From improvised burials with heaps of war memories, to the Piave’s paint of soldiers’ blood through metamorphosis that became the heroic Piave. The landscape is a legacy that lives through time – ever changing like the story - like life itself. The walk ideally became the Piave’s one – the river as an existence that symbolises the passing of time and story. Like the water that becomes the river, from the springs to the mouth. In the music, the only principal character identifications are the steps traced on his journey. It is generic but relevant. “The Walking Man”, in research, puts himself in “other steps” in which every listener can relate to. The music catches the idea of rhythmic scans reproduced from a step, or of a river flowing through everything - like time and life that become eternity. It is a travel that can be repeated for infinity. The proposed sound travels on an alternate time flow, reflecting today’s suggestions, breathing in life to memorable places of the landscape, and those of yesterday that inspire emotions first. It is all these emotional perceptions that overcome the opposition’s trenches, returning the same dignity to the winners and the vanquished - joined by the same deep human roots of the common experience of a dramatic destiny. From the dawn of war to the destructive drama, the tale in music flows on an unending rhythm until the mouth and the time that slows down flows with instilling emotions. It is a sign of new distances between memories, in the middle of what we were and what we are today - also following that event which was the true gulf of the new century.

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C'ERA UNA VOLTA IN ROMAGNA - Danze tribali del popolo del Liscio

C'ERA UNA VOLTA IN ROMAGNA - Danze tribali del popolo del Liscio

€ 18,00

C'ERA UNA VOLTA IN ROMAGNA, danze tribali del popolo del Liscio (trans.: Once Upon A Time in Romagna, Tribal Dances of the Liscio Style's People) Velut Luna CVLD 252 Introduction The idea of this LP starts from a sincere curiosity about our cultural roots and is the result of a musical journey that brought us to cast aside all the xenophilous trends that, in the arts, seemed to afflict us. The recovery of this music is done with great creativity. The language used to approach the songs is the language of traditional jazz, but the sound, with keyboards and electric guitars, gives some rock nuances to the whole product. Until a short time ago, and still now, the word “Liscio” was associated, in the imagination of most people, to a ignorant subculture made of elderly gentlemen and prosperous ladies, who gathered in shiny clothes dancing to this corny music. The exhumation of Liscio and its people may sound as the discovery of a cannibal tribe from Indochina, with all its rituals and practices. The stereotype helps, but there is so much more to be said about this world: amazing orchestras, led by great composers and musicians such as Carlo Brighi, Secondo Casadei, Ivano Nicolucci, Castellina-Pasi, were there for 50 years, playing 35 concerts per month to please their audience. The people from Romagna is marked from this story beyond repair, and this is true both for those who are part of this world and for those who snubs it . The Romagna folk music has nothing to envy to other Folk Music styles from all over the world, which enjoy greater consideration, such as blues, tango, salsa and musette...on the contrary... Credits 24bit/88.2kHz original live-in-studio recording made at Teatro Pedrini, Brisighella, Italy on April 14th - 15th - 16th, 2014 24bit/88.2kHz digital mix and analog mastering (DAD) made at Velut Luna Studios, Casalserugo, Italy, on April 18th, 2014 Production: Velut Luna & Mr Zombie Orchestra Executive producer: Marco Lincetto Recording engineer: Marco Lincetto Assistant recording engineer: Michele Bartoletti Stella Mix & mastering engineer: Marco Lincetto Design+Layout: Luca Shivendra Om Cover Photo: Torquato Nanni Sales and marketing manager: Patrizia Pagiaro link al video su youtube: link ad articoli critici sulla stampa on line:

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