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Code: CVLD388

Author: AA.VV.
Performer: AA.VV.
Duration: 40:02
Support: LP + FILE HD



PREORDER (deliveries scheduled from 15 FEBRUARY)

Pietro Ballestrero, Gianni Basso, Stefano Bertoli, Paolo Birro, Fabrizio Bosso, Gianni Coscia, Paolo Fresu, Giorgio Gaslini, Tiziana Ghiglioni, Sandro Gibellini, Lucia Minetti, Gabriele Mirabassi, Mauro Negri, Stefano Profeta, Royal Big Band, Sax Four Fun, Markus Stockhausen, Tiger Dixie Band, Gianluigi Trovesi.

It is always difficult to make a collection of musical pieces, even though they belong to the same genre; and it is even more so if he who has to do it is the one who wanted them, produced them, recorded them: that is someone who finally considers himself divided between the role of "dad" and "co-author", in this case myself who is writing these short notes.

The difficulty is in choosing songs that make sense one after another, but also in having to exclude, for physical lack of space, many others no less beautiful, no less interesting. Also in the awareness of where to leave out with the heartache so many wonderful musicians to whom, I always feel tied by an indissoluble tie for the common passion that has united us in loving the music we propose.

It is therefore for this reason that every collection I make has implicitly, alongside the title, that fundamental definition which can only be "Volume 1". In the belief that sooner or later other volumes will follow, because it is really impossible for me to draw up a ranking of merit among the many songs, all of them, I have produced in 30 years of career.

And here comes the fundamental note that I realized especially in the last few years, which is that ALL my productions, for me, are absolutely equivalent: they are all on the same level. Because I always made an incredible selection BEFORE going into production, and once the journey started with the chosen musicians, It was always clear that the work could not have become a pearl of a very long necklace that today counts altogether eighty-eight.

Jazz, according to me, or according to Velut Luna, has always meant research and tradition, warmth and humanity, immediacy and symbol of the unspeakable "Hic et Nunc" of the moment of recordings, which have all been made in direct take, without editing cuts, Often mixed directly on stereo master.

Listening to these songs again, one by one, I relived the atmosphere, in the broadest possible sense, of those unrepeatable moments: after all, recording is a way to travel back in time every time I listen to it.

The musicians and I are lucky people, to have received the privilege of living these emotions difficult to tell in words, but I hope they can be at least a little 'conveyed by the sound tracks left in the grooves of the records. Forever and ever.

Thank you all,

Marco Lincetto

I dedicate this project to my friend Giorgio Gaslini,

who left us too soon, 11 years ago

LATO A - 19:58
01 All Of Me
(S. Simmons) 4:46 / reg. 06-2003
Royal Big Band / Fabrizio Bosso, tromba
Gianni Basso, sax tenore
02 The Nearness Of You
(M. Washington, H. Carmichael) 3:25 / reg. 9-2017
Lucia Minetti, voce / Pietro Ballestrero, chitarra
Stefano Profeta, contrabbasso
03 Le mamme ci lavavano i capelli
(N. Piovani) 4:47 / reg. 5-2002
SaxFourFun / Paolo Fresu, flicorno
04 The Lady Is A Tramp
(R. Rodgers, L. Hart) 3:09 / reg. 3-1997
Paolo Birro, pianoforte / Sandro Gibellini, chitarra
Mauro Negri, sax tenore
05 Minor Bounce
(S. Caniato) 3:47 / reg. 3-2003
Tiger Dixie Band / Markus Stockhausen, tromba

LATO B - 20:04
01 Alabama Blues, live recording
(G. Gaslini) 6:12 / reg. 3-2003
Giorgio Gaslini, pianoforte
02 Tanghesi
(G. Coscia) 5:56 / reg. 2-2003
Gianni Coscia, fisarmonica
Gianluigi Trovesi, clarinetto basso
Stefano Bertoli, percussioni
Lucia Minetti, voce
03 Vos
(P. Ballestrero) 6:10 / reg. 4-2012
Pietro Ballestrero, chitarra
Gabriele Mirabassi, clarinetto
PB Strings Ensemble
04 Millacamilla
(G. Gaslini) 1:44 / reg. 4-2000
Tiziana Ghiglioni, voce
Giorgio Gaslini, pianoforte preparato

Production: VELUT LUNA
Executive producer: Marco Lincetto
Recording engineer: Marco Lincetto
Mixing and mastering: Marco Lincetto
Graphic design: Maurizio Ciato for Studio L'Image

1/4" Analog master made in the VLS studio of Naquera (Spain), starting from the original recordings both analogue and digital, the latter made in high resolution native, PCM wav 88.2kHz/ 24bit
ATTENTION: the strange sound you can hear in the song "Millacamilla", last track of the B side, is not a defect of the disc or recording, but... the very particular percussive sound of the "Piano preparato", which means placing sheets of paper between the hammers and strings of the instrument.

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