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Code: CVLD 289

Author: AAVV
Performer: Marco Pasetto (bass clarinet and ocarina), Enrico Breanza (electric guitar), Andrea Oboe (drums)
Duration: 47:36
Support: cd

As Bill Evans once said ‘Jazz can’t be explained, it must be experienced in person because it’s feeling, not words. Words belong to reason and can’t be translated into feeling since they aren’t part of it’. Such a great piano player’s definition is perfect for this music which is rich in nuances, entirely coherent with the music history of the trio and constantly balancing between jazz, classical composure and crystal-clear folk vibes.
Words are unable to express emotions sparked off by this refined work where precious solos positively blend with such smooth compositions. Glowing complexions, dreamy spirit and singing melodies are dominating features…they enliven a poignantly colourful interplay capable of being rhythmically assertive and loosely unveiling the forms.
Angelo Leonardi

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